Parking Management Solutions
With over many years experience in managing private car parking schemes, the team at Parking People have tailor made solutions to resolve any parking issues you may have. Working to best practice standards we offer the reassurance that all work is carried out in compliance with industry standards and legislative requirements.
Parking People endeavour to bring a fresh innovative approach to all their client’s needs. With a strong emphasis on newly emerging technologies in conjunction with an inter departmental approach, Parking People can bring value and efficiency to all stages of a single use or mixed use parking scheme.
Currently the largest private pay and display operator in Cork City, over recent years our portfolio of private sites has increased significantly across the city and county, with strong growth in the contract parking market and the area of services.
At Parking People we see the client relationship as paramount. Through this focus and our considerable experience in developing and implementing parking schemes we have seen the company go from strength to strength on an axis of results and clients satisfaction.
Start to Finish – Turn Key Parking Solutions
Parking People Ltd. pride ourselves on our complete ‘Start to Finish’ parking solution, from planning to implementation to fiscal output and reporting.
With over many years managing car parks we have developed a considerable amount of expertise in-house. Health and safety, issuing of method statements, best practice standards, incident prevention and reporting is something in which we pride ourselves.
Having seen the company grow from strength to strength, we have developed and grown our own various in-house departments including mobile patrol units, customer care, planning and development, maintenance crews, finance and accounting and health and safety.
Whatever the scale of your idea, business or organisation, if you have issues in any particular area of parking you can be assured Parking People has a “Solution For You”

See Below for the complete suite of services we provide
Our Services
Payment Systems
Parking People can supply a range of payment methods for parking services. We have fostered healthy business relationships with a variety of companies in the market.
Parking People can supply install and maintain pay and display machines. All cash is handled on a regular basis by Cash in Transit Companies for security and transparency. Internet linked Pay and Display machines provide realtime cash reporting.
Payment Methods
Phone/Interactive voice recognition (IVR) , Parking People has longstanding accounts with Park Magic. A pay by phone / Interactive voice recognition (IVR) system can be rolled out on site with 48 hours allowing customers to make payments for parking via a dedicated telephone number.
Pay by App – The use of smart phone app’s continue to raise in popularity when it comes to providing a payment method for parking. Parking People has trade accounts with Park Magic. Park Magic provide an app, which allows user to pay for a specifically registered car park.
App’s are available from the Apple app store and the Play store. Each app offers slightly different features to its competitor. Both app’s have a back end enforcement system that allows our patrol units to check in real time the paid parker’s on a specific site. Similarly each system allows for detailed financial reporting for the client and and the service user.
Parking People can provide your site with an app based payment conduit in 48 hours allowing a cashless payment system on site immediately.
Website – Park Magic our primary app offering allows you to park by phone and app, Park Magic provides access to their website which also allows you to pay for parking online.
Parking People has a proven track record in assessing scale v function and applying the most appropriate cost effective combination of payment methods for each parking lot.
Turn around time for setup is minimal and payment can be taken from parkers within 48 hours. Each deliverable solution will allow the business to more effectively manage revenue while availing of system integration (including banking), detailed financial reporting and real time enforcement.
This in depth knowledge of sub contract parking management for local authorities allows us to offer practical beneficial advice for the benefit of the local authority and sub contractor. We are in a position to offer help to councils who wish to tender for such on street parking schemes.
Services we offer include:
- Research and study for assessment of parking scheme feasibility
- Line and sign audit for legal compliance
- Advice on current parking scheme development / modernisation
- Advice on technological solutions currently available in the market
- Advice on the technical parking content of the tendering document
- Managing subcontractor start up and information exchange and reporting
- Automated ticket issue
- Ticket issue management systems
- Cash collections
- Cash counting, banking and receipting
Permit Management
Wherever there is parking there are issues to be managed. Often this entails the use of permit systems to control who parks where. Parking People can provide all the services required to do this for both on street (local authorities) and off street (private organisations and individuals). We can operate under our own brand of Parking People or under the clients brand (i.e. particular town council).
Previous experience of the team in permit systems
Our team has many years experience in the IT industry and knowledge gathered within Parking Management roles assists in the implementation of online permit management systems. Having come from the parking industry, the team has experience in dealing with clients including universities and colleges as well as an array of private operators and property managers.
Permit systems what we can offer
We can offer a full range of permit systems from basic paper based systems to bespoke web based systems. We can project manage the development and implementation of such web based permit systems on behalf of the client. We are in a position to offer an innovative approach in appraising new permit parking management software solutions to ensure a progressive approach for clients who look to incorporate future developments and advancements in the industry into their existing infrastructure.
Car Park Maintenance
We can supply and manage car park lining services as part of our car park design and layout service.
We can audit signage requirements, design general and bespoke signage, source supply and install same. Our range of signage includes everything from simple 600mm x 100mm information signage, to building side banners to advertise car park.
Parking Furniture (Fixtures and Fittings)
We can supply an extensive list of parking furniture to client requirements. Items include but are not limited to:
- Bollards and Chain
- Speed Bumps
- Garden Furniture
- Etc.
Litter removal and Cleaning
P&D machine maintenance
Ethical Clamping
Enforcement of parking policies and procedures is a must for the good of all the stakeholders. In the area of parking often with large numbers of vehicle in limited spaces the need for mutual consideration is of critical importance. Parking People enforce parking regulation as required. Wherever possible a warning is first given prior to further enforcement taking place. As a last resort Parking People will clamp offending vehicles. If clamping is required it is done to a set protocol. 20% of all clamping revenue received goes to charity.
In car parking areas often with large numbers of vehicles in limited spaces the need for mutual consideration is of critical importance. Enforcement of parking rules and regulations is essential for the good of all the stakeholders. Parking People enforce parking regulations as required.
In Ireland the methods available for enforcement of parking regulations would normally consist of:
- Patrol
- Issue of warnings
- Issue of tickets (mostly traffic warden for local authorities)
- Clamping
- Vehicle Removal (mostly local authorities with little provision in law for owners of private land owners)
Parking People can supply and manage the full list of parking enforcement services on behalf of clients.
Ethical Enforcement Policy
Many companies involved in parking enforcement operate a patrol and clamp regime. However, Parking People manage most enforcement by patrol and the issue of warning notices. Wherever possible a warning is first given prior to further enforcement taking place. As a last resort Parking People will clamp offending vehicles. If clamping is required it is done to a set protocol.
For Parking People the ultimate sanction of clamping must not be allowed to become the “commercial focus” for operating the business and could if unregulated be to the detriment of other elements of the business. For maximum benefit for the client enforcement must be balanced.
Parking People are proud to operate an ethical enforcement policy. Twenty per cent of all revenue collected will go to a registered charity. We advertise this charitable contribution both on our warning notices and on all new signage that we now install on sites. This allows us to stand over all such activities with maximum integrity and we believe that such a sizeable charitable donation makes us unique in the parking industry.
Benefits of Ethical Parking Enforcement
- Maintain maximum integrity for ourselves and for that of our client
- Ensure a balanced approach to enforcement
- Continue to maintain high levels of paid compliance
- Maintain the highest possible levels of occupancy in the face of a enforcement regime that can potentially be detrimental to footfall in the business
- Allows us to easily promote the car park ensuring a friendly, customer focused method of operation
By operating this regime we continue to ensure that maximum revenue is generated through paid compliance, from which the clients benefits from the maximum share.
Benefits of Ethical Parking Enforcement for the Public
By using a car park operated to this ethical enforcement regime, the public will have an even greater sense of confidence in being treated fairly under an enforcement regime that involves clamping.
Off-Street Car Park Management
- Wherever there is parking there is some management required.
- Wherever there is space for parking, but where no parking currently takes place, there are often potential opportunities for generating new sources of revenue.
- Parking People provide the expert service to manage both the issues and the opportunities. Our motto is “solutions for you”.
- For our clients we remove any parking management headaches and we develop what opportunities may exist for generating new revenue streams.
Parking Scheme Design and Layout
We can design pay parking schemes and design car parking layouts to all best practice principles. We can tailor what’s available to client needs and offer “solid” solutions both to best avoid future management issues and best exploit what revenue potential may exist.
Parking Scheme Implementation and Operation
We set up parking schemes, for short term and long term use; we manage all aspects of the project. We manage all the on going operations, offering a comprehensive “Start to Finish ” service for all elements of a parking scheme operation.
We operate to all best practice conventions:
- All machines are networked linked.
- Cash handling is by bonded cash in transit companies.
- Full audit-ability and transparency of business transactions is assured.
- Remote 24 hour machine monitoring is a standard.
Development Potential
To exploit this potential requires:
- Moderate capital investment
- It requires knowledge:
- Best system of operation to suit a particular situation
- Machinery
- Car park layout
- Signage
- It requires skill:
- Marketing and Promotion
- It requires the ability to:
- Spend the initial time and skill to set up
- Spend the continued time and skill to manage
- Spend the continued time and skill to promote and develop the business (focusing on the local area, targeting hotels, B&Bs, local clubs, business, etc. to bolster business)
- An organisation to:
- Patrol and monitor the car park
- If necessary manage clamping
- And manage release of clamped vehicles
Parking People can do all of the above
Patrolling (Mobile) Service
Whether the public or private sector the successful management of on street and off street parking control involves appropriate and conscientious patrolling services.
With a strong belief in ethical clamping, Parking People feel they can bring something new to the market. Our belief is that regular patrolling in conjunction with reminder and warning system allow for parking schemes that take sensitivities into consideration.
To to date we have a high success rate with optimum compliance allowing for low clamping instances inturn providing satisfaction and good will for our client year in and year out.
With a number of mobile units operating on a rotational basis we patrol hundreds of public and private parking spaces, 7 days a week 52 weeks of the year.
Parking Surveys & Reporting
We can commission and carry out parking surveys and reports on clients request. Detailed reporting and stats on occupancy versus compliance can be offered on the management of an existing car park operation or key reporting metrics can be factored into a brief of a newly commissioned parking scheme.
Pay & Display Implementation
Parking People is Cork’s largest private pay and display operator with 4 locations in operation in Cork City
Parking Scheme Implementation and Operation
We set up parking schemes, for short term and long term use managing all aspects of the project. We also manage the ongoing operations, offering a comprehensive ‘start to finish’ service . We operate to all best practice standards:
- All P&D machines are networked linked,
- Cash handling is by bonded cash in transit companies,
- Full audit-ability and transparency of business transactions is assured
Parking Scheme Design and Layout
We can design pay parking schemes and design car parking layouts to all best practice principles. We can tailor what’s available to client needs, and offer “solid” solutions both to avoid future management issues, and to maximise what revenue potential is there. We can supply and manage car park lining services as part of our car park design and layout service
Patrolling and Enforcement
- Patrol and monitor the car park
- If necessary we can arrange clamping of vehicles
- And arrange release of clamped vehicles
Permit systems & Allocation
We can offer a full range of permit systems from basic paper based systems to bespoke web based systems. We are in a position to offer an innovative approach in appraising new permit parking management software solutions to ensure a progressive approach for clients who look for a multi faceted approach to designated parking zones.
Need More Information?
If you have a site that is suitable for parking and would like to get in touch, please complete the short form below and tell us a little about the opportunity you have and we will be in touch presently.